Community Resources & Outreach

Developing the Marketplace. Building Capacity.

TPAP will be intentional in our processes to ensure the inclusion of small, local and diverse businesses and be deliberate in our delivery to the marketplace to demonstrate our commitment to grow the capacity of disadvantaged businesses.

TPAP Team will leverage several longstanding relationships with contractor assist agencies across the City of Chicago and the region. Our team is fully aligned with the City’s goals of inclusivity and is ready to engage in a partnership to define success, measure progress and continuously improve.

To ensure maximum participation, the Team will use the city of Chicago’s M/WBE Directory to invite firms to outreach meetings and any events where they would learn more about the project.

Video Resource Library

Additional Resources and How to Do Business Guides

Our Strategy

Trade Package Specific Outreach Meetings

Hosting trade specific outreach meetings would allow the Team to present scope in greater detail to the interested contractors. TPAP will provide on-site coordinators to assist firms with filling out precursor forms and answer any questions related to the prequalification process.

Conduct Meaningful
Town Hall Forums

Provide the subcontracting community the opportunity to communicate how we can better assist in expanding their capacity and grow their businesses.

Raise Community Awareness through Outreach Meetings

The Team will continue to attend community events hosted by the CDA throughout the City as well as host events in conjunction with strategic community partners. Our goal is to inform the contracting community of the opportunities as well as connect businesses to resources they may need to submit a successful bid.

Establish a MBE/WBE Community Advocacy Group

The intent of this taskforce is to align community resources to develop and execute strategies to assist in growing small and midsize businesses within the local marketplace. To gain feedback on the processes and the interest of members, TPAP will meet at a minimum on a Quarterly basis with contractor advocacy groups.

Assist Agencies

Are you an assist agency not listed on here?

Missed an event? Our presentations can be found here.